This is my last letter to you at President and it is a very happy one! We have made some great changes in our association and our website tells it all—check it out sometime! It’s cross-country season and it’s a special time of year—good luck to all of the coaches out there. I’m sure coaches and athletes are excited to get the season rolling! I know everyone is busy but try to get involved in the IATC. So many exciting things are happening. We will be voting on a 2nd Vice President in December at Clinic, so let me know if you are interested in running. Tim O’Neil and Jared Fletcher are both excellent to work with and have some great ideas for the future. Also, get involved in the IOTC, we are always looking for a new voting official. Contact Bill Neal if you are interested in that. Make sure you pay our dues for IATC soon and become a member of a great organization.

Last, I’d like to thank Bill, Tim, Jared, Marty, and Tom for all of the help they have given me in the last two years. It has been much appreciated! Hope to see you all Clinic in December and have a great fall!

Steve Roth
IATC President