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So far runrobrun has created 74 blog entries.

Fall Letter from IATC 2nd VP Greg Williams

Fall Letter from Second VP August 2020 Welcome back to all our members. Fall sports are a GO! I would like to thank all those that volunteer their time to help the IATC with the awards, events, website, sales and the information available on the website. We could not do all these things without their

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  • Jared Fletcher, Carlisle

Fall Letter from IATC President Jared Fletcher

September 11, 2020 Greetings! The 2020-2021 academic and athletic year is currently in full swing. This looks and feels much different than ever before due to the pandemic in which we are experiencing. We feel very fortunate that fall sports at the high school level are still occurring here in Iowa. With that said, the

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Important Message from Our President

There have been numerous questions concerning the IATC All-Comers Meet that we are hoping to schedule/host in July. At the current time, we have not yet secured a host site for this meet. The IATC All-Comers Meet Committee will continue to work on this moving forward. When we have more information available we will share

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IATC Bylaws Review Meeting scheduled

The IATC recently voted on and passed an updated version of our association by laws. Included in these by laws is the creation of a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will include the four current IATC officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer) and three other non-officers that will need

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Spring Meeting Note from President Jared Fletcher

The Iowa Association of Track Coaches held their annual Spring Meeting in a virtual manner on May 20, 2020 with a record number of members in attendance. The IATC was joined by guests from the IATO, the IHSAA, and the IGHSAU. There were many highlights from the meeting including multiple committee reports and updates, the

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2020 IATC Spring Meeting Information

IATC Spring Meeting Info and Link The Iowa Association of Track Coaches will be holding their annual spring meeting on Wednesday May 20th at 6pm for all IATC members. Please note the time change (originally scheduled for 7pm). Be watching your email for the UPDATED Zoom link.

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Proposed By-law changes for Review for May 20 Vote

Over the last 18 months a committee has worked diligently to analyze the current IATC by laws . The committee, as well as a licensed attorney, have modified our existing by laws. These proposed by laws, which can be found attached, will be voted upon at the May 20th Spring IATC virtual meeting. Revised By-laws

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  • Jared Fletcher, Carlisle

Notice: Information from President Jared Fletcher

IATC Members,  These last two months have produced unprecedented times on seemingly every level imaginable. The cancellation of our track & field season has created challenges that have never been seen or experienced across our state. These challenges have led to many cancellations and modifications as we move forward in the near future.  One major

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Update from IATC President Jared Fletcher

Last week’s cancellation of the Iowa high school track & field season has led to unprecedented times across our state, nation, and world. This announcement, the closing of many public facilities, along with crowd/social gathering restrictions, have undoubtedly changed the landscape of track & field. These changes includes meetings, awards, meets, etc. that are hosted

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Throwing Clinics Announced

What to Expect The format will be "Learn by Doing”.  Technical philosophy and analysis of a segment of the throw will be immediately followed by coaches and athletes addressing drills that teach that aspect. Shot Put: Power Position Fundamentals Glide Technique Analysis and Technique Development Rotational Shot Put Analysis and Technique Development Discus: Introduction to

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