Brent Heitland receives NFHS Coach of the Year

The IATC congratulates Brent Heitland on receiving National Federation of State High School Association {NFHS} 2015-2016 State Track and Field Coach of the  Year! Brent also received Iowa State Coach of the Year for track and field last year. We are thrilled to see our track and field coaches receive national recognition.

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2017 Spring Letter from President Steve Roth

Greetings! Hope all is well out there in Track & Field land. I have just completed my first year as President. Boy have I learned a lot! We have made some pretty awesome changes in almost everything. Some great people have stepped up and taken over some important events. I would like to thank all

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Spring Letter from Jared Fletcher 2nd Vice President

I hope this finds all of you ready to roll for the start of our 2017 track and field season!  As I write this we are only 70 days away from the start of the Drake Relays and 92 days away from the state track and field meet.  I appreciate having the opportunity to serve

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Spring Letter from Tim O’Neill 1st Vice President

Happy New Year!  Change is upon all of us and the chatter amongst coaches has been intriguing.  For those of us who coach the girls, some slight changes in event combinations, for those of us that coach the boys, a lot of change and probably a different outlook to event combinations for our athletes.  Finally,

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2017 2nd Vice President Candidates

We will be voting for the 2017 2nd Vice President at the Coaches Clinic on December 2nd and 3rd. We have some fantastic, well qualified individuals running. Here is information about the candidates who are running. Greg Williams Greg has been coaching in one form or another for over 27 years; football assistant

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22nd Washburn Classic a Huge Success!

Saturday October 15th, 2016 1,422 junior high cross country athletes gathered in Ankeny at Ankeny Centennial to compete in the 22nd Annual Dick Washburn Classic State Championships. The weather cooperated with warm, overcast skies. The girls races boasted 655 athletes while the boys had 767 athletes. 166 teams from all around Iowa came together to

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New website for Iowa Coaches Association

We did it! After many years we have updated our website. We are excited to continue to bring you all the important information pertaining to Iowa Track and Field and Cross Country through out the year. You will also find that many of our manual forms are now on-line forms for various items. You can

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Coach of The Year Awards

Please take a few minutes to look over the lists for the 2015 Coaching Awards. Any and all corrections need to be sent to Greg Thompson ( greg.thompson@panorama.k12.ia.us) by November 19th, so we can get the plaques ordered in time for the banquet December 5th. First Page: https://www.iowarunjumpthrow.com/images/stories/Coachoftheyear/2015coya.pdf Second Page: https://www.iowarunjumpthrow.com/images/stories/Coachoftheyear/2015coyb.pdf Also, do not forget